My job? To sort the materials into categories: recyclables, portfolio papers, texts, workbooks, project kits, puzzles, math, art supplies, social studies, science, French, and items that can be sold at Kids' Market (MY FAVORITE CONSIGNMENT SALE EVER!), with sub-categories of what to use now and what to use later. And, somehow get it back onto the homeschool cart. Can I do it?!!!!
Oh My! Does anyone need a workbook?!!
7 giant floor puzzles
21 coloring books
33 workbooks
9 science kits
16 textbooks
9 math kits
30 reader books
6 art kits
14 table games
10 notebooks
41 Highlights books/kits
A cup of coffee, NPR, kids at Mom's house for some sunshine, and................
Yeah! A minor miracle.
Now each of those categories has it's own little shelf. Floor puzzles at the bottom so Jacques can reach them, texts and teacher guides at the he can't.
This food service rolling tower is deep enough to work as a double-sided tower.
Discovered a use for all of the little pull-out drawers on our new bookcase. Now we'll need to draw a legend to find what we need. That will be a lesson in itself.
Nice to feel like I've accomplished something.
Now let's see how long it lasts.